Even 'Cliffies will be welcomed this evening at 7:30 p.m. when the CRIMSON hosts its first lavish candidate meeting. Absorbing free beer to the rhythm of the AP tickertape, all those interested may talk to the editors, inspect the paper's independent printing facilities, and if they like, start competing for the Fourth Estate.
This fall's competition for what Harpers calls this "superbly turned out undergraduate newspaper" will be unusually short, and many positions are open on all boards. As Cambridge's only daily, the CRIMSON's coverage of news and sports gives News Board candidates opportunities for interviews, writing, and reporting. Similarly the Photo Board welcomes all cameramen interested in free equipment, valuable training, and publication.
Competing for the Business Board in the tough world of advertising and circulation wars, candidates will become familiar with the kickbacks, the protection game, and the exploitation of personal relationships.
The Edtorial Board demands only that its aspirants be versatile, articulate and opinionated. From its columns you can subtly manipulate the opinions of the paper's 10,000 readers. Your slightest frown will make theatres close, statesmen tumble, and deans resign.
Why let the Power Elite pass you by? Come to 14 Plympton St. tonight and get your foot on the escalator.
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Rent Control Advocates Prepare For Fall