
Russian Students and Economists Meet Counterparts in University

Soviet Experts View Classes On Business Management During Whirlwind Visit

Six Russian economists made a whirlwind tour of the Business School and were dinner guests at the Faculty Club during their five-day stay in Boston.

The group visited a special class in advanced business management, the library, and the student center Tuesday as part of a cross-country study of economic growth and stability in America. They were "friendly, curious, and asked many questions," one observer remarked. He indicated that they were "receptive" to the work being done in business education and seemed more interested in learning than in teaching.

At the Faculty Club, 11 Harvard and six M.I.T. economists gave a private dinner Monday night for the visitors.

Their trip is part of an exchange program arranged during Mikoyan's stay here last fall by the Committee for Economic Development, a non-profit research group of prominent businessmen. Plans for the return half of the program indicate that several prominent American economists will visit the Soviet Union next summer.

The Russians arrived Thursday evening from New York and saw banks, insurance companies, and industrial firms for the next four days. They left for Detroit Tuesday, after the Business School tour.
