
IRC to Sponsor Parley on Africa

Over 300 delegates from colleges throughout the nation will attend a conference on Africa to be held in Cambridge this April. The International Relations Club will sponsor the four-day convention.

Students attending the meeting will hear President Pusey and other guest speakers analyze U.S. objectives in Africa. Afterwards, delegates will break up into small seminars to debate matters raised by the speakers.

At the end of the conference various discussion groups will submit papers considering African colonialism and nationalism in relation to their effect on U.S. foreign policy. From these preliminary drafts a final statement of the IRC policy will be prepared.

The convention, held annually at various American universities, is jointly financed by the Associated International Relations Clubs and the Foreign Policy Association, a non-profit organization to encourage wider interest in foreign affairs.

Among the colleges expected to attend the various meetings in the Hotel Commander are M.I.T., Amherst, Oberlin, Carleton, Pennsylvania, and U.C.L.A.
