
Council Hits Pusey's NDEA Stand

Freshman Group Dissents

The Freshman Council has soundly rejected a motion supporting President Pusey's action in freezing NDEA scholarship loans.

A vote of 21 to 3 downed the resolution on the grounds that Pusey's stand deprives the students of a free choice in the matter. The Council also condemned the move because it might leave some boys without necessary funds.

At the same time, they unanimously passed a second motion recommending preparation of several opinions on the loyalty oath. The Council will select one of these resolutions next Tuesday night to send to Senator John F. Kennedy '40.

Another ammendment supported Pusey's action on the condition that the University agrees to grant other funds to students who deprived of NDEA aid by the University's stand. It lost by 22 to 4.

James D. Perry '63 introduced the initial unsuccessful motion to support Pusey.


Officers Sworn in

In other action, the new Council president, Michael H. P. Belknap '63 took office and swore in vice-president John P. D. van Schalwyk '63 and Secretary John E. Reissner '63.

Speaking to the Council on the Combined Charities Drive, Howard J. Phillips '62, co-chairman of the Drive Committee, pointed out the need for a strong campaign in the Yard and suggested a goal of $15,000. Albert L. Jacobs '61, secretary of the Harvard Student Council, announced that he and Lewis B. Oliver, Jr., '61 would act as liason between the Student and Freshman Councils.

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