
Pusey to Donate For Blood Drive

The first person to pledge in this year's Phillips Brooks House drive for Red Cross blood bank donations was President Pusey, according to Elliot Gershon '61, co-chairman of the campaign.

Gershon further stated that PBH volunteers working in front of House dining halls and canvassing the Yard expect to collect a minimum of 2,000 pledges by Friday. From these pledges they hope to receive 1,000 pints of blood, including 300 from Radcliffe students, when the actual donations are given in December. Last year's drive brought only 800 pints.

In order to increase faculty participation, PBH has announced that, if 90 members contribute in the current drive, it will allow them to join the blood bank, where not only they, but also their families to the third generation, will be eligible for free blood whenever they need it. Only two faculty members donated last year.

After receiving the blood, the Red Cross processes it and distributes the plasma to hospitals and disaster areas.


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