
French Assembly Votes Approval For DeGaulle's Algerian Policy; Fact-Finders Prod Steel Talks

PARIS, Oct. 16--The French National Assembly early today voted President Charles de Gaulle a free hand in his effort to bring peace to Algeria through self-determination.

The unofficial tally of votes showed 441 approving the governments' Algerian policy to 21 opposed, with 90 abstaining or not voting.

The constitution of the Fifth Republic does not require Paliament to pass on the President's actions.

Although DeGaulle has declared for the principle of self-determination by the Algerians he has made clear that he favors local autonomy for the country, not independence.

Strike Talks Resume


WASHINGTON, Oct. 15--Government fact-finders prodded the steel strike antagonists back into direct negotiations today, advising both sides to give some ground.

The union and the industry agreed to sit down together here tomorrow.

President Eisenhower's inquiry board wound up four days of hearings on issues behind the 93-day strike by saying the nation sorely wants a settlement.

George W. Taylor, the panel's chairman, said the crippling walkout, idling some 725,000 workers, is reaching the point where resuming steel production is more important than how it is done.

Russia Asks Polar Peace

WASHINGTON, Oct. 15--The Soviet Union joined free world countries today in calling for a ban on military use of the antartic and a guarantee for unhampered scientific inquiries there.

The cordial atmosphere at the opening of a U.S. sponsored, 12-nation conference was quite warm. Delegates openly voiced hope that the conference would produce in a few weeks a treaty outlawing any military use of the vast, unsettled subcontinent.
