
No Study of History

Arnold Toynbee has traced, through thirteen volumes, the rise of 26 civilizations throughout human history. Although Toynbee places 14 cultures in the first 3500 years of written history, it is somewhat distressing to note that the University is currently offering only two courses in this period. Roman history is not offered this year nor is classical Greek history. Some of the important Fertile Crescent civilizations are mentioned only briefly in Professor Frye's course on Ancient Iran and some are not mentioned at all.

Two courses, out of a total of 50 undergraduate offerings, seems hardly a fair ratio considering the importance of this period. Avid Egyptophiles can learn about the art of Karnak and Tutankamon's tomb next year in Fine Arts 131, but they cannot discover the history of the various dynasties. Students of Minoan or Cretan developments have only Professor Hanfmann's course in Aegean archaeology--next year--without a corresponding History course.

The blame for this serious defficiency, perhaps, should not be placed entirely upon the Department of History. The study of ancient civilizations might provide a fruitful framework for an inter-disciplinary approach, with courses presenting the art, history, political institutions, and philosophies of these ancient cultures on the successful pattern of Soc Sci 111. Harvard may not accommodate a Breasted, but it could certainly enrich its history curriculum with studies of Memphis or Ikhnaton, of Nebuchadrezzar of Chaldea--a sore deficiency in the University at present.
