
President DeGaulle Pledges Self To New France at Inauguration; Havana Citizens Welcome Castro

PARIS--Gen. Charles de Gaulle became president of France yesterday and pledged to use his strong executive powers to keep the new Fifth Republic on the stern path he outlined as premier. He declared he would do what had to be done for the nation's good.

Immediately after historic inauguration ceremonies, De Gaulle set the new republic in motion. He named as premier Michel Debre, Gaullist lawyer and an unbending nationalist.

Castro Arrives in Cuban Capital

HAVANA, Cuba--Joyous Havana gave a tumultuous welcome yesterday to Fidel Castro, bearded conquering hero of the Cuban revolution.

The 32-year-old warrior entered the capital just a week from the day his 26th of July movement tumbled the dictatorship of Fulgencia Batista. Word that he was coming spread like wildfire and Havana residents poured into the streets. Castro's headquarters will be at Camp Columbia in a Havana suburb.


Senate Delays Filibuster Showdown

WASHINGTON--The first showdown vote in the Senate battle over filibusters has been shunted aside until today.

But senators on both sides of the issue orated several hours longer Thursday, getting their views on the record.

A compromise was predicted. The likeliest prospect is for a change that would let two-thirds of the senators present and voting bring debate to an end.

Hungarian Refugees Snowball Mikoyan

DETROIT--A mob of screaming Hungarians surged against police lines last night, hurling snowballs at Soviet Deputy Premier A. I. Mikoyan. He was not hit.

The anti-Communist refugee crowd, which included Hungarian freedom fighters and other anti-Communist Iron Curtain groups, ignored President Eisenhower's plea Thursday for courteous treatment for the Soviet guest.
