

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

Concerning the past class marshal elections there are two issues which must be carefully considered: 1) honesty of the election; 2) the election procedure. With regard to the honesty of the election, it must be pointed out that to date there has been no direct evidence of corruption. So far the evidence brought to light is circumstantial. As regards this evidence I believe that it is up to the members of the Senior Class as intelligent college students to decide for themselves whether or not this evidence is in itself sufficient to demand a new election.

No one can deny, however, that the election procedure has many mechanical deficiencies. The whole system, including the date of the polling and the counting of the ballot, is open to question. On these grounds, demands for new class marshal elections may be justified, but it is up to the class to decide for itself; it is certainly not up to the recently elected marshals.

Even if there had been no question as to the honesty or the mechanical procedure of the election I still think that it is within the rights of the class to call a new election at any time it sees fit. The class marshal position is primarily for the class and not merely for the glory of those elected.

I am more than willing to resign my post if the class wants a new election. Robert R. Foster   Second Marshal


To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

We firmly believe that the recent election for Senior Class Marshal was an honest and a legitimate election. We have seen no evidence to the contrary. In answer to the specific points made by the petition now being circulated:

First, the electoral procedure was exactly the same as in preceding years. A change in the system is needed, but there is no reason for it to be made retroactively.

Second, the candidate whose name was misspelled on the ballot told the Student Council secretary that he was not disturbed about the error, as long as it was rectified in the election for Permanent Class Committee.

Finally, although three weeks' notice of the date of election was given, no member of any final club called the Student Council to ask that the date be changed.

The undersigned Senior Class Marshals therefore appeal to the members of the Senior Class to deny this petition their support.   Dyke Benjamin   Marc Leland   Richard Rubenstein
