The Tufts varsity sextet may be "overdue for a win," but they will probably be far outclassed by the Crimson this afternoon. Faceoff time at Watson Rink is 3:30 p.m.
The Jumbos have yet to triumph this winter. The University of New Hampshire and Bowdoin both trounced them, 6 to 2, while Brown and Colby handed Tufts overtime defeats, 3 to 2 and 4 to 3.
"We haven't gotten unwound yet," coach Charles Arthur commented after yesterday's practice. "I have made some adjustments, but the team is not too strong."
Star defensemen Bill Sullivan, leading player on the Tufts squad, was involved in an automobile accident New Year's Eve and will be unable to play this afternoon. "We're back where we started from due to Sullivan's injury," Arthur said. He will start Dave Fox and Tommy Foster on defense, while Paul Farrell, leading point producer for the Jumbos, will open at left wing. Bill Ziter centers the Tufts first line, with George Lloyd at right wing. Kenny Tondreau will guard the nets.
Coach Cooney Weiland will counter with his regular first line: Dick Fischer centers right wing George Higginbottom and left wing Dave Vietze. Captain Dick McLaughlin and Mike Graney team up on defense, and Harry Pratt will start in the cage.
"You can't tell about Tufts," Weiland stated, "and they might put up a good fight." By comparative scores, the two teams are close. Colby defeated Tufts by a single goal in overtime, while the Crimson beat Colby, also in overtime, 3 to 2. However, the varsity gave one of its poorest showings against Colby, and should do far better today.
Kelly Injured
Paul Kelley, out with a bad knee and torn ligaments, will sit out today's game as well as the contests against Boston College and Cornell later this week. Weiland has shaken up the first line, moving Higginbottom from center to wing, where "he has had more success scoring."
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