A nation-wide program--Decisions . . . 1959--to arouse interest in questions of foreign policy will be held for the first time throughout the Cambridge area beginning Feb. 1. The eight-week series of events is sponsored by the Foreign Policy Association of the United States, a group of citizens publicizing international affairs.
The program will be launched by former Secretary of the Air Force Thomas K. Finletter, who will speak on "Foreign Policy--The Next Phase" in Sanders Theater, Thursday, Jan. 15. Thereafter, the Association will distribute literature and offer suggestions each week for informal discussion.
Scheduled topics range from "Will Alliances Keep the Peace?" and "Are We Realistic about Communist Powers?" to "A 'Better Neighbor' Policy in Latin America?" and "Peace in the Middle East--Whose Job?" Events during the week will be both announced forums and impromptu discussions.
Weekly ballots will be circulated for opinion on each of the subjects calculated to determine national opinion, and then passed on to policy-makers in Washington. Local television shows and publicity notices are planned in the Boston area to raise questions and stimulate discussions during the two-month period.
Howard J. Phillips '62, of Dudley House and Cambridge, has been appointed Community Chairman for the city by the Association. He said yesterday that he would welcome any students who want to work in the organization or arrange discussion groups.
Milton Katz, Henry L. Stimson Professor of Law, and John A. King, Jr., Secretary for International Legal Studies in the Law School, will conduct a television series on Channel 2 in connection with the program.
President Eisenhower has said of the Foreign Policy Association, "I applaud its continuing work to stimulate citizens." Secretary of State Dulles called it "an effective and typically American way of working."
General Chairman in this area is John Gibson, professor at Babson Institute, Wellesley Hills.
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A Good Measure