
Cats Cause Conflagration in Courtyard

Members of Kirkland House supposedly celebrated the opening drive for their newest dance Saturday night with a fire in main courtyard. First notice of the dance was given several days before by a sign which appeared on the dining hall bulletin board:

"Hear Ye! Hear Ye!"

"Bring Your Date to the C-Entry Smell--The New Aromatic Sensation"

At approximately one a.m. a flaming ashcan appeared in the center of the yard. Soon, fifteen Cambridge firemen came rushing from their nocturnal slumbers to quench the celebration. Armed with two pumpers and a rescue unit, the men made quick work of the inferno as five firefighters overturned the container and the rest flooded its contents.

Widespread rumor attributed the sign and the blaze to irate cat-haters of C-Entry who were trying to burn several kitties in effigy. It is said that the discontents were retaliating against the actions of several cats owned by the House Senior Tutor, Robert M. O'Clair,


But Dr. and Mrs. O'Clair seem unperturbed by the incident as they toast one of their feline friends.
