
Players Decline MEBAC Terms

The Wellesley Group 20 Players are "shocked and hurt" at the terms offered them by the Metropolitan Boston Art Commission for use of its new arts center, a spokesman for the Wellesley organization said last night.

MEBAC has proposed that the center be used exclusively by the Cambridge Drama Festival in 1959 by both groups in 1960 if Group 20 agrees not to perform anywhere else that year.

"We didn't expect such treatment," the spokesman continued. "We have served the Boston community for six years, with 36 productions, and now we feel we've been betrayed. MEBAC pretends to stand for the good of the community. Apparently the protection of the Cambridge Drama Festival means more to them than principles."

Group 20 plans to press for a formal public hearing before the Metropolitan District Commission. "We want everyone concerned to have a chance to state his case," the spokesman added.


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