
Class Committee Deems Marshal Election Honest

A majority of the 1959 Permanent Class Committee moved last night to end the dispute over the election of Senior Class Marshals. Three members of the eleven-man group, however, dissented from the majority position.

A resolution signed by the majority read as follows: "We can find no proof of dishonesty in the conduct of the Class Marshal election. We uphold its legitimacy and believe there is not sufficient cause for a new election." The signers were Alfred S. Arkley (Leverett), R. Dyke Benjamin (Marshal), George L. Damoose (Kirkland), D. Dwight Dogherty, Jr. (Dunster) Levon Kasarjian, Jr. (Winthrop), Marc E. Leland (First Marshal), J.R. Richardson, Jr. (Adams), and Richard E. Rubenstein (Alternate Marshal).

The minority report stated, "In light of the petition signed by the majority of the class, we find that we can not endorse the resolution backed by the other members of the Permanent Class Committee." Robert R. Foster (Marshal), Frederick H. Joseph (Dudley), and Nicholas C. Taylor (Eliot) signed the dissent. No representative has as yet been elected from Lowell House.

The two resolutions ended a heated four-hour meeting which began an informal session, but ended formally with an unanimous resolution recommending that the new Student Council consider possible revisions in the Class Marshal elections procedures.

During the informal part of the meeting a motion asking for a referendum to disclose whether two-thirds of the Senior Class wanted a new Marshal election was defeated six to three, with two abstentions.


False Pretension Alleged

Rubenstein charged that the petition asking for a new election, which was signed by 565 Seniors, garnered its support "under all kinds of pretenses, false and true, including a whisper campaign."

Foster replied, "I think it is within the right of the Class to ask for a new election even if the first one was honest." The majority, in disagreeing with this position, apparently consider the matter closed. Earlier in the day Dean Watson declined to accept the petition, commenting that he could take no action on it.
