
Dawson Resigns As HYRC Head, Peterson Elected

Alec B. Dawson '59 resigned the presidency of the Harvard Young Republican Club yesterday.

In a statement he read to the HYRC Planning Committee, Dawson explained that "personal business reasons make it necessary" for him to retire from office. He expressed "regret and disappointment" at being required to take the action, and thanked the members of the HYRC for cooperation they had given him.

After receiving Dawson's resignation, the HYRC Planning Committee unanimously chose David F. Peterson '59 to act as interim president until a general meeting can be scheduled for the election of a new president.

Peterson, who opposed Dawson in the last contest for the presidency of the HYRC, has entered himself as a candidate in the special election which will probably be held within the next two weeks.

The special election will probably be little more than a ratification of Peterson's election as interim president. Commenting on the unanimity of yesterday's vote, Peterson declared that "the HYRC has never been more unified than it is today."


Peterson said that while he "recognized the opportunity" Dawson had opened to him, he first "wanted to express the appreciation felt by the entire club for the fine work and the inordinate amount of time Alec Dawson has devoted to the HYRC."

Dawson said he would no longer be able to devote a sufficient amount of time to the HYRC. He has accepted part-time employment for the duration of his senior year.
