To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
Enclosed you will find a copy of a letter sent to Dr. Pusey regarding the housing problem in Cambridge, specifically with regard to Negroes and other minority groups.
"Dear Dr. Pusey:
"During the past week I had the opportunity to make use of the Phillips Brooks Housing List in looking for an apartment for a married couple who are friends of mine. The couple happens to be Negro; I am not. In checking into the various names on the list, I would approach a landlord or superintendent inquiring as to whether or not they still had vacancies, to which the answer was often affirmative. My next question was whether or not these people would rent to Negroes, and more often than not the answer was negative.
"The following are the names of owners or superintendents, with the addresses of their respective apartments, who told me that they would definitely not accept Negroes as tenants.*
"It was my understanding that those names which appeared on the Phillips Brooks Housing List were of landlords and superintendents who did not discriminate, so I was somewhat surprised and dismayed to discover the large degree of discrimination which does exist. I reported this fact to the woman who is in charge of Harvard housing, who informed me that nothing could be done unless the Negroes themselves objected. My main concern is, if this be the case, and a Negro couple were to track down the apartments themselves, a landlord would only have to see them to say that he was sorry but he was filled up, and the question of whether or not he discriminated would be indeterminate.
"I submit this problem to your attention in the hope that something might be done to alleviate it. Perhaps a stronger commitment might be obtained from those landlords who request that their names be placed on the list declaring in a stronger, firmer way that they do not discriminate, so that it would be more difficult for them to go back on their word.
"Having looked for an apartment for a week, I can say that the problem of Negro (and other groups) housing is extremely severe. The International Student Center has attempted to compile a list of those landlords who will rent to foreign students and American Negroes, but their success is obviously limited. Although this would not necessarily be a solution that Harvard should aim for, I would suggest it as a possible partial remedy until a better one could be found.
"It would seem to me to be a blot on Harvard University if the housing list which it provides is one that, by and large, discriminates against Negroes and other minority groups.
"I would appreciate hearing about anything that might be done in connection with this problem. Thank you. Linda N. Larkin (Mrs. Bruce D.)" [*Names will be furnished upon request--Ed.]