
Experts Plan Meetings On Security, Education

Educators Meet Today

Educators and administrators from 27 states will convene at the 30th annual Summer School conference on Educational Adminitration at 2.15 p.m. this afternoon.

The Conference, to be held at the Business School's Baker Hall, is entitled "The Public Looks at Its Schools."

The first of six principal speakers, Harold B. Gores, former Newton Superintendent of Schools and now President of Educational Facilities Laboratories, will talk on "The Public Looks At its Schools--What Do They See?"

Following this, at 3:30 p.m., William A. Shannon, Executive Director of the National School Boards Association, will speak on "School Board Look at Their Schools."

At the dinner meeting that night, Herold C. Hunt, Charles William Eliot Professor of Education, who recently returned from a five-week trip to Russia, will talk on "Education Behind the Iron Curtain."


The conference will continue tomorrow morning at 9:15 a.m. with speeches by Henry Toy, President of the National Citizens Council for Better Schools, and John B. Fisher of Joyce and Fisher Associates, on "The Citizen Looks at His Schools."

At 11:05 a.m., Frederic C. Wood, a consulting engineer in Greenwich, Conn., will talk on "A Citizen Analyzes Building Costs for Schools."

The conference will conclude with a speech by Nolan Estes at 2 p.m. tomorrow afternoon: "A Year Off to Look at Public Schools."

The two-day conference is under the direction of Dana M. Cotton, Director of Admissions and Placement in the Graduate School of Education, and associate director of the Summer School.
