
Fiedler's Gaiety Leads Program At Boston Pops

Harvard's traditional Night at the Pops was held last night with all the traditional gaiety and spirit that the occasion demands. Under Arthur Fiedler, the Boston Pops played to class of '33 reunioners, their wives and children in a high point of the week's celebration.

The concert included music by Brahms, Offenbach, Wagner and Gershwin. But the most popular numbers of the evening were those by Leroy Anderson '29, former conductor of the Harvard Band: "Fiddle-Faddle," a medley of Harvard songs entitled "Harvard Fantasy," and Anderson's arrangement of George Gershwin's "Wintergreen for President."

Fiedler and the orchestra entered into the spirit of the evening to the delight of the audience. After playing Up the Street, by Robert G. Morse '96 as an encore, Fiedler tossed a "33 boater into the air.

Later, concertmaster Alfred Krips with a '33 banner as a shawl and a boater on his head, did an impromptu Charleston while playing with the orchestra, Hay-man's "Dancing Through the Years."


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