
Lightweight Crew to Race Tigers, Elis

Derby Day at Yale is no longer, but the lightweight race between the Crimson, Yale, and Princeton will take place at Derby, Connecticut again this Saturday. The triangular regatta for the Goldthwait Cup, with Princeton rated a slight favorite, should test the ability of the Crimson crew to its limit.

Coach Joe Brown predicted that the varsity race would be tight--a few feet either way "If we win this one by a lot, we should go undefeated for the rest of the year; if we lose by a large amount, things would look very bad. But I expect the race will be very close."

Princeton Crew Strong

"Princeton definitely should be the better of the other two crews," Brown predicted. Although it lost to Cornell by about six feet earlier in the season, the Tiger lightweights set a course record on Lake Carnegie in Princeton last weekend. The Orange and Black was the only crew to defeat the Crimson lightweights last year, and then won the Thames Challenge Cup at Henley, England.

This year's undefeated varsity crew is "better than last year's," Brown stated. "The big question is whether they have improved sufficiently" to beat the improved Princeton boat. Both crews have rowed the identical times of 6:52 for the Henley distance this spring.


The race at Derby, if conditions are favorable, could permit faster times. Current and wind combine to make this course faster than the Charles River course.

Freshmen Undefeated

Although the Yale and Princeton Freshmen crews have both been beaten, Yale by Dartmouth and Princeton by Columbia, Coach Brown expects the Tiger shell to be much the tougher to defeat. So far the Crimson Freshmen are undefeated and their record includes a victory over Dartmouth.

Varsity boating includes: Bow, T. Sheffield; 2, L. Ford; 3, V. Bertelsen (Capt.); 4, K. C. Chase; 5, G. Fritze; 6, L. McElroy; 7, M. Christian; Stroke, M. Hoffman; Coxswain, M. Byran.
