
Lead Kindly Light

The University administration has got the whole world in its hand, and sometimes the squeeze is too much to bear. An affectionate clutch can become a stranglehold, and noble hearts often bleed for ignoble purposes.

The mother of us all, to appease the powers that really be, has sent many of her innocent babes scurrying to the Business School parking lot, there to deposit their passion wagons under the watchful and paternal eye of six-gun justice.

But it is a long walk from Kresge to Kirkland over a bridge unlit and through an adolescent jungle of switch blades and souped up mentality. Recently an honest student was beaten and robbed as he negotiated his way home, and while this incident does not point to the emergence of a Cambridge crime wave, it does, nevertheless, indicate the need for a better lit and consequently safer bridge.

Since all available policemen have been assigned to ticketing duty, it would be unreasonable to suggest that lawmen stand guard over Weeks Bridge. But the installation of adequate lighting facilities there would either frighten away nefarious juveniles or at least expose their machinations to all. The hue and cry might then be raised.

It is hard enough to stay straight these days, and coping with the tedium of keeping safe only complicates matters further. May the University see the light, and may the light lead us safely home.
