
Heavyweight Crew to Row In Adams Race Tomorrow

The undefeated Crimson heavyweight crew goes after its third successive Adams Cup victory tomorrow afternoon against the toughest competition of the last two years.

Fresh from its course-record setting victory at Princeton last weekend, the varsity eight, aiming for its third straight triumph of the season, will take on Navy and Pennsylvania over the mile and three-quarters course in the Charles River Basin.

"The races so far haven't been too indicative," Coach Harvey Love remarked. The varsity defeated Syracuse easily and then outpowered the Tigers last week in an unexpected show of strength. However, Pennsylvania, although it lost to Yale in a two mile race last Saturday, also defeated Princeton this year.

Navy lost to Princeton in its first race, but Love warned that the squad from Annapolis should not be underestimated. "They have lost, but they have some good men. If they suddenly get going, they can be nasty," he said.

One note of possible trouble for this weekend was the absence of number three man Mike Zuromkis from practice on Monday and Tuesday because of a bad back. Love switched T. Swayze from the starboard side to fill Zuromki's seat and brought Claude Nuzum up from the J.V.'s. The crew was able to get in two hard practices in spite of the change, and Love felt that it probably did not hurt the boat.


Freshman Face Tough Crews

In the Freshmen race, Coach Bill Leavitt said the Crimson would meet two of the toughest crews the Yardling eight will race. Penn is so far undefeated and Navy has lost only to Cornell. Leavitt feels that his boat has the power to give the two visitors a strong race all the way.

The Charles will be crowded Saturday afternoon with a regatta of MIT, Columbia, BU, and Wisconsin. Each series of races will be run at hour intervals with the MIT Freshmen leading off at 4 p.m. The Crimson Freshmen, J.V. and Varsity will race at 4:30, 5:30, and 6:30.
