
Higgins Fund Allocates $390,000 Science Grant

University Undecided on Use

A grant of $390,000 has been allocated to the University by the Eugene Higgins Scientific Trust, trustees of the fund announced in New York City yesterday. The total grant of more than $1.5 million will be divided equally among Columbia, Yale, Princeton and Harvard.

Higgins, who died in 1948, stipulated in his will that his residuary estate be distributed among the four universities to "promote the general advancement of science by investigation, research and experiment." Since the establishment of the Trust, more than $11 million has been given to the universities.

While no decision has been made concerning the use of the new allotment, spokesmen for several of the departments which will benefit from the Trust said last night that they expect the money to be put to "similar uses as in past years."

Distribution of Grant

Portions of last year's grant went to the Departments of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Geology and Geography, and to the Harvard Medical School, the School of Dental Medicine, the Computation Laboratories, the College Observatory and the Graduate School of Education.


The research work and teaching of several professors will be supported by the Trust allotment. Nobel Prize-winner Edward M. Purcell, professor of Physics, Roy O. Greep, Dean of the School of Dental Medicine, and Konrad E. Bloch, Higgins Professor of Biochemistry, are among those receiving grants.
