Board rates for 1958-1959 will most probably increase again, Edward Reynolds, Administrative Vice-President, disclosed yesterday. "I think there will be an increase," he said succintly.
He did not indicate how much of a raise hike was likely, and added that such increases are not announced officially until the fall. Dean Bundy explained that the exact amount of the raise would depend upon "the price of food and the price of help." Board costs rose $15 in the fall of 1956, and $24 in the fall of 1957.
Although a change in board rate--now almost an annual affair--is likely, no other apparent changes are expected in the dining halls system. Neither Reynolds nor Bundy had heard of a plan to abolish service on weekends in most of the Houses, as a Student Council report had indicated on Monday night. Both administrators felt that such a plan would be infeasible.
Upgrading of the dining halls by soundproofing and added construction will, however, be undertaken when money from the Program for Harvard College, allocated for the purpose, is collected, Bundy added.
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