The Harvard Student Agencies has received permission to take over operation of the stadium concessions at Soldiers Field next fall. Approval was granted by Carroll F. Getchell, Business Manager in the Department of Athletics.
Under HSA auspices, the price of football programs will rise from 50 to 75 cents. A recent HSA Newsletter announces that the organization plans "to make an aggressive program selling effort."
Even if sales do not increase, the HSA expects to earn $6,000 to $7,500 for the season on the sale of programs, with a commission of 20 to 25 cents each. Last year 30,000 programs were sold.
Catering Service Displaced
Food and pennant concessions, as well as program sales, will be included under the new arrangement. In the past, a catering service has handled the refreshments and the Harvard Athletic Association hired ushers and program sellers. It is expected that the HSA-coordinated operation will allow some students to work at more than one job at the stadium, and net about $15 a game.
The HSA is investigating the possibility of securing a truck for agency use, in anticipation of next year's demands. "The stadium concessions will definitely need a vehicle to transport goods to the stands from the commissary (Briggs Cage)," the Newsletter stated.
Other Agencies Need Truck
Agencies for firewood, furniture moving, refrigerators, and house painting are among the others that might make "regular or occasional use" of a truck, the HSA suggested.
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