
Gordon Heads '59 Track Team; Anderson Receives Wilcox Prize

Albert F. Gordon '59 of Lowell House and New York City was elected captain of next year's track team yesterday. Gordon, a 440 runner, was formerly captain of the '59 freshman team.

The new captain sees next year's prospects for the team as "exciting." "Even with the loss of such cogs as Reider, Anderson, and DuMoulin," Gordon said, "the team should be stronger, due to the expected flowering of several sophomores and the influx of a good number of promising prospects from the freshman team."

At the Track Banquet last night, annual improvement awards went to James J. Doty, Joel R. Landau, and Gordon.

W. French Anderson received the Wilcox award, annually given to an outstanding quarter-mile runner. The McLaughlin trophy for freshman achievement was presented to Jared E. Fitzgerald.


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