Phillips Brooks House will have no part in the organization of next year's Combined Charities drive, which will be run by the Student Council instead.
At last night's Student Council meeting, Council President Marc E. Leland '59 read a letter from PBH president Richard E. Rubenstein '59 stating that PBH would be too busy with other activities to coordinate the drive. At Leland's suggestion, vice president Paul E. Freehling '59 moved that the Council run the drive, and that the President appoint a chairman for the campaign. The motion carried unanimously.
Brooks House supervised the drive this March, but in previous years it had been operated by Council-appointed chairmen, with at least nominal Council supervision.
Send Two to NSA Meeting
The Council also decided to send two representatives to the National Student Association conference this August. Each was voted $100 for expenses. Discussion centered on complaints about the NSA and the cost of sending people to the convention. In past years, four students had attended the meeting. This year, only Leland and Lewis B. Oliver, Jr. '61 will go.
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