
Class Committee Sets Plans For '58 Senior Week

A formal dance, a moonlight cruise, and a Harvard-Yale baseball game are among the events planned for Commencement Week this year, Merom Brachman '58, chairman of the 1958 Permanent Class Committee, said last night.

The five-day program will begin on June 8 with a Baccalaureate Service in Memorial Church. Seniors will form a procession at 3 p.m. and march to the church, where they will hear an address by President Pusey.

The highlights of the following two days will be the Senior Spread, a formal dance in the Lowell courtyard featuring the music of Les Elgart, and a three-hour moonlight cruise.

Class Day Exercises will be held in the quadrangle behind Sever Hall at 10 a.m. on June 11. At that time the winners of the annual competition will present a serious oration, the Ivy oration, the class poem, and the class ode.

Other events that week will be the baseball game, an armed forces commissioning ceremony, and a concert by the band and glee club. Commencement exercises and the awarding of diplomas will take place June 12 in the Yard.
