
Varsity Tennis Team To Meet M.I.T. Today

A powerful varsity tennis team will travel to M.I.T. this afternoon for its first match of the regular season. Although the hosts have excellent individual players, Coach Jack Barnaby yesterday predicted that the Crimson would win fairly easily, "since M.I.T. lacks the depth to make the match close."

The varsity's number one man, Captain Dale Junta, injured his back on the southern trip, but should be ready to take the court this afternoon. With Junta in action, the team will be at full strength. Larry Sears, who was undefeated in the South, will fill the second singles position. Time Gallwey, Al Goldman, Ned Weld, and Fred Vinton will round out the first six.

At seventh through tenth singles will be Bill Wood, Laurie Pratt, Pete Krogh, and Jim Cameron; Rod Nichols will help out in the doubles. The Freshman team will also play at M.I.T. today.


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