
Two British Scholars Appointed To Fill New Divinity School Chairs

Catholic, Buddhist Authorities

Two British scholars, Christopher Dawson and Robert H. Slater, have accepted invitations to fill new professorships in the Divinity School, Douglas Horton, Dean of the Divinity School, announced yesterday.

Dawson, a Roman Catholic historian and author, will be the first Charles Chauncey Stillman Guest Professor of Systematic Theology and principal of the Montreal Diocesan Theological College at McGill University will hold a newly established Professorship of World Religions.

The Stillman Professorship, which Dawson will occupy for three to five years, was established by Chauncey D. Stillman '29, in honor of his father, a member of the Class of 1898. Stillman professors will instruct students in the history, theology, and doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church. The Professorship of World Religions was founded by an anonymous gift, and is designed to provide future ministers with a knowledge about other religions.

Dawson was professor of Comparative Religion at University College, Exeter, and Forwood Lecturer in the Philosophy of Religion at the University of Liverpool. He has written nearly 20 books, including, The Age of the Gods, Medieval Religion, and Beyond Politics.

Slater previously lectured on logic and the philosophy of religion at Rangoon University, Burma, and gradually became known as an authority on Theravada Buddhism. He is honorary Canon of Christ Church Cathedral in Montreal.


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