
Lady Bulldogs

Yet another civilizing influence is to be exerted on our friends to the South. Coats and ties have worked so well in the murky swamps of New Haven that now Yalies are deemed prepared for exposure to girls, seven days a week.

Smith and Vassar have formalized certain long-standing traditions, and are sending a few girls to Yale all year for a transparently titled Educational program. The implications of this move at first stunned us into silence, but we must speak out. This must be more than a solution to Northampton and Poughkeepsie traffic problems, but what it is, we cannot guess.

It might be a plot to get Yalies to go to classes, though we would guess that Smithies at nine will be little more enticing than 'Cliffies at nine and attendance might drop. It might be a subtle move leading to an enforcement of parietal rules, though this may be too great a break with tradition. But the scheme is probably less grandiose than these, and is probably just another aspect of Whitney Griswold's cultural uplift. Frankly, we had an affection for the old, gross Yale, the Yale that was proud to be uncouth, and we are sorry to see it go.


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