
Yardling Plans 'Dogpatch Cotillion' Dance; Jubilee Committee Announces New Officers

Kickapoo joy juice in a bathtub appears to be one of the highlights of the "Dogpatch Cotillion" which has been scheduled for March 15. The forthcoming dance was announced recently at a Freshman Union Committee meeting.

Although freshmen are allowed to dress as they please for the Li'l Abner affair, they are urged to remain within the statutory limits.

Also included in the meeting was the announcement of Jubilee Committee officers.

Andrew S. Hiken of Wigglesworth Hall and Glencoe, III., was elected chairman of the committee, Richard J. V. C. Pescosolido of Holworthy Hall and Ipswich, Mass., was named secretary, and David C. Campbell of Thayer Hall and Pleasant Ridge, Mich., was named treasurer.


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