
Leighton Says Dudley Need Will Continue

"It would make no difference if we got another Harkness ten million," observed Delmar Leighton, now Master of Dudley House, in an interview during his first day of office, "there would still be a need for Dudley House."

Leighton said he thought no matter what "dream castles" there might be in the architectural stages, his most important task at the present was to "make use of the resources Dudley has now, to justify the faith put in it when it was incorporated in the Program for Harvard College."

After his inaugural dinner Monday night, Leighton reaffirmed his belief in the "residential principle," which has proved its worth since the institution of the Houses in the '30's. But he insisted that a non-residential local commuter house is "an essential part of the House system."

Another aspect of Leighton's speech at his inauguration was a parting sally at the handling of non-Honors junior and senior tutorial. Leighton remarked that this problem was "passed over by the Faculty last spring, not for lack of discussion, but for lack of agreement on an acceptable solution."

He said that he was not sure whether to take a pessimistic view of this lack of action "simply because the Faculty and the CEP couldn't think of anything to do about it," or whether he should be optimistic because the Faculty "abandoned the attempt and gave its blessings in principle to a suggestion from the CEP."


This CEP suggestion was that the problem be turned over to the Masters of the Houses for an agreeable solution.

Whatever effect the possible prestige of a dean of the College being made Master of Dudley House might have, he said, "men as men are still more important than titles." He said that he hoped he could prove his worth as the "neophyte Master," and that he would try to upgrade the respect of the Cambridge community for the commuter House.
