
CRIMSON Competition to Start Tonight

In Cambridge, nearly everybody reads the CRIMSON; nearly, that is, all but for the few who find better things to do. Some even write for the CRIMSON.

Tonight at 7:30 p.m., the doors of 14 Plympton St. will open wide, and the happy few will stand ready to embrace those desireous of entertaining the winter competition.

Beer and coke will be generously ladled out to students eager enough to leave Lamont and to brave the fierce winds of winter which now blow through the once warm streets of Cambridge.

Especially sought are photographers, and newswriters with some interest in the sports page; but those intrigued by the possibility of penning immortal editorials and front page stories, or selling advertisements, will also be welcome.

Superior intelligence and previous experience are not necessary, but may help, as will some familiarity with that wondrous machine, the typewriter. A free guided tour of the building will be provided, and the workings of the Associated Press teletype and the nickle coke machine will be divulged to those exceptionally curious.


The famed rigors of a CRIMSON competition will be somewhat mitigated by the impending Christmas recess, and by the fact that the Crime publishes only thrice weekly during exam period. And, of course, the winter comp is the CRIMSON'S traditional Christmas present to the Cambridge community.
