The Student Council Combined Charities drive started off encouragingly last night with contributions above $2,000 predicted for the first night of solicitation.
Early reports showed the appeal off to a good start in the Houses and Wigglesworth, although returns from the Yard are "terrible," said Peter J. Solomon '60, co-chairman of the Drive.
Recommended charities for this year's appeal are Phillips Brooks House, the United Fund, Salzburg Seminar, the American Friends Service Committee, and the emergency fund for the University Band, although students may designate their contributions for any nonprofit organization.
In other action, the Student Council, which did not meet at the regular time last night, extended the deadline for Class Marshal petitions until 5 p.m. today, because of the Thanksgiving vacation. Slightly more than 20 petitions were received before the announced deadline yesterday, but adequate time remains to secure the 25 signatures needed to become a candidate for Class Marshal.
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