
Five Professors to Go To Russia on Exchange

Five University professors will travel to Russia as part of the Russian-American Cultural Exchange Agreement, it was learned yesterday. The men will visit Lenin grad University for at least two weeks at the beginning of the spring term, Merle Fainsod, professor of Government and one of those going to the U.S.S.R., explained.

Other faculty members chosen for the trip include E. Bright Wilson Jr., Theodore William Richards Professor of Chemistry; Richard E. Pipes, associate professor of History; Albert B. Lord, professor of Slavic and of Comparative Literature; and Wassily W. Leontief, Henry Lee Professor of Economics.

The Lacey-Zarubin Agreement between the Soviet and U.S. governments began the idea of the Cultural Exchange Agreement, Fainsod said. One of the Agreement's many attempts to further understanding between the two nations provides that delegations of scholars from universities in both countries exchange visits periodically.

"We are just taking a short trip this time to familiarize ourselves with the Russian universities and to explore possibilities for future visits," Fainsod continued.

The group of professors that recently arrived from Russia are also visiting the University under the Culture Exchange Agreement's program. However, they are not part of the Harvard-Leningrad exchange, Fainsod noted.


He remarked that arrangements for the Russian trip were still somewhat in doubt. The group is still awaiting information giving official notice of its time of departure and return.
