
Adams Postpones Election For Council Until January

The Adams House Committee has postponed elections for Student Council and two others are considering a delay, despite a plea last night that all Houses hold elections as scheduled this Wednesday.

"It is ridiculous to hold elections now," Stephen D. Isaacs '59, chairman of the Adams House Committee, commented. "We have a right to decide when elections are to be held." Adams House will hold its election during the reading period.

Hastings Wyman, Jr. '61, Student Council elections chairman, called all House Committees last night to reconsider postponement. "We hope they will follow our suggested date," he said at the Council's meeting.

Two factors, Wyman said, would make postponement impractical. First, the new officers of the Student Council will be elected January 14, and, with late elections, some members might be unable to vote. Secondly, Wyman emphasized that postponed elections would have to be held close to the start of the examination period.

Dudley, Dunster, Eliot, Kirkland, and Lowell will definitely hold the election on the suggested date, while the House Committees of Winthrop and Leverett, have not yet made a definite decision about postponement. Howard G. Kristol '59, chairman of the Winthrop House Elections Committee, extended the deadline for nomination petitions until this afternoon, and will decide later whether to hold the election as originally scheduled.


The constitution of the Student Council requires that new members be elected in December and take office at the beginning of the next spring term. However, House Committees which sponsor the elections are not required to follow the Student Council's suggested date.

Closer Cooperation Needed

A bid for closer cooperation between the Student Council and the House Committees was given by Andrew L. Warshaw '59, at last night's Council meeting.

Warshaw proposed to insure cooperation by seating two elected members from each House on House Committees, instead of only one. "We would get solidarity by having Council members speak to and get advice from House Committees, he claimed. However, Marc E. Leland '59, president of the Council, said that no one blanket rule could be made for all the Houses.
