
University to Finance Additions for Houses

'To Match the Glory of Quincy'

The Administration has asked each Master to present a list of physical additions that he would like made in his House, the CRIMSON learned yesterday.

Each Master will be given an as yet undetermined sum of money to proceed with those improvements he desires, subject to approval of President Pusey and Dean Bundy. The Master's requests have not been released, but it is known that such projects as rooms for dining and other purposes are being considered. Some Masters have formed student committees to work with their staff members in determining a use for the money.

John H. Finley, Jr. '25, Master of Eliot said last night that he had requested greater office space for non-resident tutors, and the enlarging of some rooms for middle aged Faculty members. He also wishes to move the steam tables out of the Eliot dining room, and create more space in the House office.

Praises Suggestion of Cubicles

He also praised a suggestion of one Master that cubicles be built in the basement for typewriters and study purposes, probably on the order of the typing rooms in Lamont.


The Masters' suggestions are being examined in line with "a general program" of House rehabilitation, Arthur D. Trottenberg '48, Manager of Operating Services, said yesterday. "There is a constant need for physical changes in the Houses," he noted, adding that "the University is always discovering new needs in each House."

Another rationale for the move was given by David E. Owen, Master of Winthrop House. Owen explained that "the Masters of the older Houses hope they will be able to match the glory of Quincy and the Leverett towers in some humble way." Quincy and the Leverett addition offer private bedrooms; Quincy offers built-in refrigerators for each suite, and a "grill" in the basement.

Few, if any, changes will be made this' year, and Trottenberg doubted that any "extensive changes" would be made. He noted, for example, that if one of the pre-Harkness-grant Houses wanted showers installed, this would require the expense of a new plumbing system, but he did not rule out the suggestion on that basis.

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