
Vincent Attacks U.S. Policies in Far East

It is time for the United States to drop its "father knows best" attitude toward Quemoy and Matsu, John Carter Vincent, Associate of the Center for East Asian Studies, said at Adams House last night.

Vincent, who was chief of the Far Eastern Division of the State Department from 1945-47, suggested that a United Nations ad hoc committee made up of Asian countries would be a "more reasonable" technique than our present "go it alone" policy.

"I don't think Quemoy is the place to fight Communism," Vincent remarked. The present U.S. involvement in the Formosa strait is "a situation to which we should never have committed ourselves."

Vincent observed that "the Communists like to bomb the islands for psychological purposes" and "Chiang Kai-shek likes to sit there and be bombed for psychological purposes. We are caught in a sort of psychological warfare at considerable cost to the inhabitants."
