A resolution by the Undergraduate Athletic Council and the cheerleaders for a compromise solution to the present controversy has met with mixed reactions from the members of the recently dissolved cheering squad.
J. Thomas Rosch '61, an ex-cheerleader, yesterday called the plan, which will allow both the old and new squads to cheer as a unit at the Yale game, "a condescension, not a compromise." He continued, "if the UAC had been sincere in desiring a peaceful solution, they would have attempted some compromise for the Brown and Princeton games, too."
There were two basic reasons for the cheerleaders' agreement to this measure, according to Rosch and Robert M. Landauer '59, the captain of the deposed squad. First, explained Rosch, "We would present a solid front to the student body for the good of Harvard cheerleading, regardless of personal feelings."
Second, Landauer stated, "Rumors have reached us that there may be trouble at the Princeton game over this situation. We don't want to see anyone in the student body get into really serious trouble; though we think this matter is important, it is not that important."
"Degree of Unity"
Rosch and Landauer expressed personal objections to cheering at the Yale game under the new plan, but they felt that it was necessary "to show a degree of unity to the student body."
A former cheerleader who was more favorable to the compromise, James A. Rosenstein '61, said that "the most important thing is that cheerleading be improved. This move was the only way we could accomplish this."
All three spokesmen for the cheerleaders felt that the decision would eventually be "for the good of Harvard cheerleading" and that, for all intents and purposes, "debate on this whole issue is finished."
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