
Rocket Society Elects Officers

The "serious science students" in the Rocket Club elected an entire slate of officers and "transformed the whole idea of the organization" in a closed meeting last night.

"Originally the idea of the club was to parody the action of the Student Council in joining and subsequently withdrawing from the NSA," explained Daniel N. Flickinger '62, the new corresponding secretary. "The club was to enroll in the American Rocket Association and then secede, claiming abuse and maltreatment," he continued.

Flickinger stated, "We have transformed the Rocket Club into an organization dedicated to the development of methods of rocket construction, propulsion, and guidance. We are no longer concerned with tinkering with explosives."

Other new officers elected were Arthur A. Houghton III '62, of Pennypacker Hall and Fisher's Island, N.Y., president; Joel H. Blatt '59, of Winthrop House and Beechhurst, N.Y., vice-president; Richard B. Arnold '62 of Matthews Hall and Pittsburgh, recording secretary; and Edward C. Pinkus '59, of Adams House and Hempstead, N.Y., treasurer.
