
Yovicsin Worried Over Eli Threat; Key Yale Players Return to Action

With just three days remaining until the Yale game, coach John Yovicsin admits that he's worried about the Elis. "I certainly wish they hadn't taken such a beating from Princeton last week. That one will work in their favor on Saturday."

Yovicsin was referring to Yale's humiliating 50-14 loss to the Tigers last week. Almost everyone in New Haven is upset about that debacle, most of all Eli coach Jordan Olivar, who voiced objections to the press concerning Princeton's "piling up" of the score. He and his players will be going all out to salvage a small bit of their season when they face the Crimson Saturday on Soldiers Field.

The Harvard football team, remembering last year's 54-0 loss at New Haven, was somewhat amused by Olivar's complaint, for Yale has never been known to call off its agents while they were in the process of inflicting humiliation on a traditional rival.

The fact remains, however, that Yale will be laying for the Crimson and will be bolstered in its upset attempt by the return to action of two top sophomores, quarterback Tom Singleton and center Mike Pyle. Singleton led the Elis in their last half drive which almost overhauled Dartmouth several weeks ago, and Pyle is being mentioned as a possible all-Ivy candidate. Both of these key men did not face Princeton.

On the Crimson side, of course, it will take very little to remind the varsity that Saturday's contest is something more than just another game. The effect of three straight clawings by the bulldogs should be sufficient, and the varsity eleven will be at close to top physical shape, with only Tom Lawson on the disabled list.


The line will be the same as usual, but with Lawson out, the backfield will probably see sophomore Larry Repsher running from the right halfback slot. Yovicsin said that he still is not certain whether he will use Chet Boulris or Bruce MacIntyre at left half.

The indispensable Charlie Ravenel will be at quarterback, and Sam Halaby, who came into his own against Brown and has been running very hard during practices this week, will start at fullback.
