
MacKenzie Will Lecture In Warsaw This Spring

Robert T. MacKenzie, visiting lecturer in Government, will give a three week seminar course at the University of Warsaw early this spring. On a leave of absence from the University of London, MacKenzie will discuss the political process in Britain.

Plans for the lecture series grew out of an exchange program developed two years ago during an Anglo-Polish seminar at the University of London, MacKenzie said. Grants from the British Government and the Ford Foundation have allowed Polish students to study at London.

"The Polish students I taught were by no means narrow-minded and hag-ridden by doctrine," he noted. "In fact, one of them, with no formal education in English, had learned enough of the language through radio broadcasts and later by his own interest to deliver a graduate school seminar in English at the end of his stay."

MacKenzie's lecture series will be a condensed version of the course he has been teaching at the University this semester. Lectures will be in English with translations into Polish coming at either 15 minute intervals or at the end of the lecture.

Last spring, John Kenneth Galbraith, professor of Economics, gave a similar series at the University of Warsaw. "Poland has been the most liberal East European country in inviting Western educators to teach there," MacKenzie commented.


"This sort of educational exchange," he said, "should prove extremely valuable for opening the windows in the minds of men behind the iron curtain."
