
Western UN Resolution Requests Big Three to End Nuclear Tests; Chiang Calls for Mainland Return

UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., Nov. 1--The U.N. political committee early today approved a western-backed resolution calling on the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union to halt nuclear weapons tests during their negotiations in Geneva.

The vote was 49 to 9 with 23 abstentions. The Soviet bloc cast the entire negative vote.

It came after three weeks of prolonged debate and vain attempts to work out an East-West compromise on suspension of nuclear weapons tests in advance of the Geneva talks.

U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, speaking for the West, said such an agreement would not be worth the paper it is written on.

Chiang Declares Mainland Hope


TAIPEI, Formosa, Oct. 31--President Chiang Kai-shek spelled out on his 72nd birthday yesterday his hope of regaining the mainland on the wings of an anti-Communist uprising.

"To carry out our mission of anti-Communist and national survival, we depend upon political more than military means," he said in a message to a Youth Corps rally.

Nationalist quarters have made clear that by political means they mean stirring up a rebellion that will topple the Peiping regime.

Pasternak Declared Traitor

MOSCOW, Oct. 31--The Moscow Soviet Writers Union advised the government yesterday to exile author Boris Pasternak as a traitor.

The union said the 68-year-old Nobel Prize-winning novelist is no longer fit to live in Russia.

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