
Demand for Key Bus Trips Falls

A sharp decline in patronage of the Harvard-Wellesley Bus Service has led to serious consideration of the possibility of discontinuing the service, Allan Lazaroff '59, treasurer of the Crimson Key Society, said Thursday.

Although the Crimson Key has barely broken even on the first two trips this year, a meager turnout for the Penn weekend threatens to put the entire operation in the red for the whole season. As the deadline for reserving a seat on the bus approached this week, only five men had bought tickets.

The outlook does not look appreciably better for the remainder of the football season. "We anticipate losing money for the rest of the year," Lazaroff stated.

Last fall the bus service failed to pay its way by a considerable margin. Lazaroff observed, "We strongly hesitated before resuming the service this year, and we have not yet decided about next year." The Society has provided convenient transportation to Wellesley for five years, Lazaroff stated, "but if interest continues to slip, the financial risk may become too great to take."


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