
Big Dog, Little Lady

The little old lady stood in the gutter staring at the big black dog that was staring at her from the sidewalk. I stared at both of them as I began to walk past.

"Young man," called the little old lady.

"Young man," she repeated as I turned toward her, "do you see that hig black dog?"

"Yes," I said as I stopped.

"Young man, that dog has been following me."


"Oh," said I looking at the very large black dog.

"Young man, that dog has been following me for blocks. I don't like that dog."

"I wouldn't worry," I said.

"Young man, I believe that dog will bite me."

"Madam," said I looking at the dog, "It has a collar. It belongs to someone. It it probably quite tame."

"I am sure that dog intends no good," said she as the big black dog yawned, revealing large white teeth.

I looked at the dog. The dog walked toward me.

"Why don't you lead the dog away?" the little old lady said.

I walked a few steps. The dog walked a few steps. I stopped. The dog stopped. It was an extremely big black dog with extraordinarily long white teeth.

"Madam, there is nothing to worry about," I said, as I walked down the street and ducked around the corner.

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