CLINTON, Tenn.--Three quick pre-dawn dynamite explosions wrecked the interior of racially integrated Clinton High School Sunday.
Police Chief Francis Moore commented, "It was a professional job." "There's no doubt," he added, "that this dynamiting is connected with integration of the school."
At Nashville, Gov. Frank Clement termed the blasting "a cowardly act" and offered a $5,000 reward for the arrest and conviction of persons responsible for it.
It was the first sign of violence at the school since sporadic disturbances broke out when nine Negroes first were admitted along with white students two years ago.
Communists Will Halt Island Bombardment
TOKYO--Red China Monday ordered a week's halt in the bombardment of the Nationalist-held offshore islands in Formosa Strait. The Communists said the move was designed to let supplies reach the besieged islanders "on condition that there be no American escort."
Since the Red siege began Aug. 23, U.S. warships and planes have been escorting Nationalist craft with supplies for Quemoy up to the three mile limit. Radio Peiping quoted Defense Minister Peng Teh-huai as telling the Nationalist Chinese he had ordered the conditional halt out of "humanitarian considerations."
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Crimson Sextet Swamps Weak Brown Squad, 8-1