
Emerson Offers Support to CSD

Rupert Emerson '22, professor of Government and an original faculty sponsor of the Harvard-Radcliffe Committee to Study Disarmament, expressed the hope last night that the group would return to its original form.

If it would return to its former purpose, declared Emerson, "I would be delighted to continue my support."

Both Emerson and the other faculty sponsor, Daniel S. Cheever '39, lecturer on Government, withdrew their support recently when it was learned that a "coup," led by Dennis L. White '60, president of the Committee, had changed its name to "The Committee Against Appeasement."

Emerson's statement was a reaction to an announcement by White that the "coup" was unsuccessful owing to a constitutional technicality.

"At our meeting next week," said William M. Bennett '61, Committee vice chairman until the "coup," I will back the proposal of some clause to restrict amending the purpose of the organization." "As far as I am concerned we will return to our original function," added Bennett.
