
Economy Drive To Cut Harrier Team Tomorrow

As part of the overall movement towards economy in the sports budget, the HAA will sponsor a minimum seven man cross-country team for the meet with Cornell tomorrow, it was learned last night. In past years, the College has fielded twelve runners in dual meets, both at home and away.

The major reason for the manpower cut is the $50 per man cost of the air trip to Ithaca. Previously, cross-country teams have competed in championship meets at Cornell or further away, but since a seven man team is the maximum fielded in such contests, the additional five runners would not have been sent.

Athletic Director Thomas D. Bolles explained that the cut in the Cornell traveling squad was based on the policy of "holding teams down to an absolute minimum," and not on a move discriminating against cross-country in relation to soccer and football, which can send several players who may not see action during a game.

Seven Make Up Full Team

He explained that since only seven runners count in cross country scoring they constitute a full team.


Other Ivy League teams customarily send seven man teams when they travel to Harvard, Bolles explained.

Several members of both freshman and varsity teams have volunteered to go to Cornell on their own. Coach William McCurdy Jr. revealed. Five varsity runners and three freshman harriers will drive to Cornell on Saturday and join the other squad members there.
