
Police May Allow General Public to Park In Business School Lot for Football Games

The Business School parking lot may be opened to the general public during future football games, Matthew J. Toohy, Chief of University Police, said yesterday.

Toohy emphasized that a definite decision about this measure has not yet been reached, and that if the move is attempted, it will be on a purely experimental basis. In any case, non-authorized students attemping to use the Business School lot will be dealt with severely.

With the approach of the big football weekends, the police force is taking other precautions against potential disorder and possible parking difficulties. "We will use about the same maneuvers that we have been using for the past 25 years," Toohy stated.

Weekend provisions will include extra men on duty, guards at points vulnerable to the escapades of visiting undergraduates, and stricter enforcement of parking laws.

The police staff has noted the times and locations of the House dances planned for the coming weekends. These affairs will come under police surveillance, as the maintenance of peace and quiet throughout the coming weekends extends to social functions as well as to traffic problems.


Toohy has also asked that students refrain from leaving their bicycles in places reserved for other vehicles.

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