
Students Collect $185 In House Fund Drive To Assist Clinton H.S.

The Harvard Liberal Union has collected $185 in its fund-raising drive to aid the recently bombed high school in Clinton, Tenn., Roger C. Algase '59, HLU president, announced yesterday.

Algase hopes this total will be increased to $250 by the end of this week through additional canvassing at Radcliffe and the Graduate Schools.

The Liberal Union, the only student political organization consenting to sponsor the drive, undertook it in order to give tangible support to Southerners who have attempted to comply with the Supreme Court desegregation rulings.

Algase said such support has been denied by President Eisenhower, who stated in a recent press conference that the rebuilding of Clinton High School was a matter for state and local authorities. It is Algase's understanding, however, that since the State of Tennessee has not yet allocated funds for the school, private contributions are needed to reconstruct the dynamited building.
